The knowledge and networking
event of the solar sector

12 February 2025, Louwman Museum, The Hague

Register for tickets

Why visit?

Are you done of the negative press surrounding solar energy? Join us at the Congress Toekomst van Solar on February 12, 2025 and discover our renewed approach.

After a period of fluctuating policies and negative publicity, it is the moment to turn the tide. During the congress we will present the latest insights from the National Solar Trend Report 2025 and share the powerful message: Solar energy is indispensable for a sustainable future!

What can you expect from this renewed edition:

  •     Why solar energy is still a profitable investment.
  •     Debunking myths from the media.
  •     The latest innovations that make solar energy ready for our
         future-proof energy system.
  •     And as always: up-to-date data and market forecasts.



Why visit?

An informative and inspiring day

Come February 12, 2025 to the Congress Toekomst van Solar, the indispensable knowledge and networking event for the top of the solar sector. Be informed by experts from home and abroad and inspired by the latest insights from the market.

The conference is also a must-visit for English speakers: an interpreter will be present to translate from Dutch into English. English-speaking visitors can get a free headset before the start.



An informative and inspiring day


Congress Future of Solar

Louwman Museum

Wednesday February 12 2025

10.00 - 10.30



10.30 - 10.45

Speaker: Harm Edens

Opening *

Harm EdensDay Chairman

10.45 - 11.15

Speaker: Hvroje Medarac

Presentation National Solar Trend Report 2024 (ENG)

Hvroje MedaracSenior Researcher Dutch New Energy Research

11.15 - 11.40

Speaker: Joeri VendrikSpeaker: Marijke Menkveld

The payback period of 2027, these are the facts *

Joeri VendrikCE Delft
Marijke MenkveldTNO

11.40 - 12.00

Speaker: Doekle terpstra

Q&A with Techniek Nederland *

Doekle terpstraTechniek Nederland

12.00 - 13.00



13.00 - 13.25

Speaker: Jan Wouter LangenbergSpeaker: Sem van den BogaertSpeaker: Kristan van Baal

End of netting, interpretation, consequences, opportunities *

Jan Wouter LangenbergMinistry of Climate Policy and Green Growth
Sem van den BogaertMinistry of Climate Policy and Green Growth
Kristan van BaalMinistry of Climate Policy and Green Growth

13.25 - 13.50

Speaker: Hans van Cleef

Certainty in uncertain times: Electricity price trends *

Hans van CleefPublieke Zaken

13.50 - 14.15

Speaker: Robin Quax

Smart solutions: Don't pay back, but use it yourself *

Robin QuaxTKI Urban Energy

14.15 - 15.00



15.10 - 15.25

Speaker: Peter DesmetSpeaker: Edwin van Gastel

Live interview *

Peter DesmetSolarclarity Group
Edwin van GastelSolar Magazine

15.25 - 15.50

Speaker: Prof. Arno Smets

Keep it up, solar is the future *

Prof. Arno SmetsTU Delft

15.50 - 16.15

Speaker: Nicol Tadema

How do we change the negative framing of Solar power? *

Nicol TademaNicol

16.15 - 17.30


Closure & drinks

*Interpreter will be available to translate from Dutch to English


Congres Noodzaak van Storage

To be announced

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Congres Doorbraak van de Warmtepomp

To be announced

Meer info

Congres Toekomst van Solar

12 February 2025
Louwman Museum, Den Haag

Meer info

Sponsors and partners
of Congres Solar in 2030